
Tsinghua SEM

The School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University is home of several partners of our research group, including Prof. Guoqing Chen, Prof. Xunhua Guo, Prof. Mingzhi Li, and Prof. Bin Xie.

IOS Münster

Professor Stefan Klein, head of the Interorganisational Systems Group at the University of Münster, is a partner of our research group.

IOS Münster

Dr. Stefan Schellhammer, member of the Interorganisational Systems Group at the University of Münster, is a partner of our research group.


Professor Robert B. Johnston of the university of Sydney is a partner of our research group. At the mean time, he holds an emeritus professorship at the University College Dublin.

Yunnan University

We are collaborating with Prof. Dr. Yumei Luo from Yunnan University to set up an infrastructure for reducing and recycling medication waste.

Gesundheitsamt Heinsberg

Gesundheitsamt Heinsberg is a partner of our project "Information Infrastructure as a Learning Process".

Caritas Heinsberg

Caritas Heinsberg is a partner of our project "Information Infrastructure as a Learning Process".

St. Josef

St. Josef Heinsberg is a partner of our project "Information Infrastructure as a Learning Process".


ISA RWTH is a partner of our project "WATCH".

Uni Marburg

Institute of historical pharmacy at Philipps University Marburg is a partner of our project "ArIS".


German museum of pharmacy is a partner of our project "ArIS".